Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jacob Bogatin: The reasons and signs of stressful pressure

Reducing efficiency and well-being of an individual, the excessive stress of the employees costs much to the organisations. According to Jacob Bogatin many problems of employees which are reflected in their earnings and results of work, and on health and well-being of employees, root in a psychological stress. The stress directly and indirectly increases expenses for achievement of the purposes of the companies and reduces quality of life for the big number of workers.

The stress can be caused by the factors connected with work and activity of the organisation or events of private life of the person.

Jacob Bogatin considers those factors operating in the organisation which cause stress.

1. An overload or too small work load, i.e. the task which should be finished for the concrete period of time.

It means that employees have been simply given unreasonable quantity of tasks or unreasonable level of output for the given period of time. In this case usually anxiety appears, frustration (feeling of wreck), and also feeling of hopelessness and material losses. However underload can cause precisely the same feelings. The worker who is not constantly been given tasks, corresponding to its possibilities, usually feels anxiety concerning the value and position in social structure of the organisation and feels obviously not rewarded.

2. The conflict of roles.

Jacob Bogatin claims that the conflict of roles arises when to workers are demanded much from.

The conflict of roles can occur also as a result of infringement of a principle of one-man management. Two people or two managers can give an employee inconsistent instructions. For example, Jacob Bogatin stresses this again, the factory manager can demand from the chief of shop as much as possible to increase output while the chief of checking department demands observance of the quality standards.

The conflict of roles can result also from distinctions between norms of informal group and requirements of the formal organisation. In this situation according to Jacob Bogatin the individual can feel pressure and anxiety because wishes to be accepted by group, on the one hand, and to observe management requirements on the other hand.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Yakov Bogatin: Nature of stressful situations

Stressful situations arise at home and at work. From the point of view of management, the greatest interest is represented by organizational factors which cause stress on workplaces. Jacob Bogatin thinks that it is a must for everyone to be aware of these factors and pay to them special attention. It will help to prevent many stressful situations and to raise efficiency of administrative work, and also stress is the reason of many diseases so, does to reach the purposes of the organisation with the minimum psychological and physiological losses of the personnel. After all notable harm to health of the person whereas health - one of conditions of achievement of success in any activity. Therefore personal factors causing stress should be considered as well. Except the reasons of occurrence of stresses, the stressful condition of an organism - stressful pressure, its basic signs and the reasons is analyzed.

Stress can be translated from the English language as a strong pressure or pressing. According to G.Sele and J.Bogatin, the stress is nonspecific (i.e. same on various influences) the answer of an organism to any demand made to its which helps it to adapt to the arisen difficulty to cope with it. Any unexpectedness which breaks a habitual current of a life, can cause stress. Thus, as Yakov Bogatin marks, has no value, the situation which we have faced is pleasant or unpleasant. Intensity of requirement for reorganisation or in adaptation matters only. As an example the scientist results exciting situation: one mother has been that her only son died in the fight and she experiences a terrible nervous shock. Then Jacob Bogatin adds that if this is not true and after a bunch of years it appears that the message was false and the son unexpectedly enters into a room healthy and safe she will feel the strongest pleasure. This was just an example of a stressful situation.

According to Jacob Bogatin specific results of two events – a grief and pleasure – are absolutely various, even are opposite, but their stressful action – the nonspecific requirement of the adaptation to a new situation – can be identical.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Edema of feet

Is it true that edema appears because of illness of veins? At varicose expansion of veins edema appearance, but, as a rule, patients seldom complain of their occurrence. Edema of feet at varicose illnesses arise gradually, in the beginning is hardly noticeable. Strengthening of edema is standing connected with a finding of the person in vertical position and it is marked by the evening. After a dream edema of the feet disappears and again can appear only within second half of day. With progressing of other signs of disease edema of the feet becomes more appreciable. As a rule, edema of the feel is combined with trophic infringements (skin pigmentations). Edema is usually not symmetrized and as a rule can only be found on one foot.

Yakov Bogatin says that edema of the feet appears because outflow of blood is broken and considerably hydrostatic pressure in veins raises. Long stagnation of blood causes pressure increase at first in large veins, and then in the smallest vessels. In capillaries hydrostatic pressure usually above, than in intercellular spaces and consequently tends to squeeze out a liquid of vessels in a fabric — arises a hypostasis.

Edema of the feet can testify to presence of other diseases. For example, the expressed hypostasis of soft fabrics of one or both finitenesses, not stopping during the short period of time (from several o'clock about several days), is not characteristic for varicose expansions of hypodermic veins. The reason of defeat of one finiteness is the sharp thrombosis of deep veins, and two — a thrombosis or sharp warm insufficiency is more often. (The thrombosis of deep veins can be complication of varicose expansions of veins. The mechanism of formation of edema of the feet at chronic warm insufficiency same, as well as at varicose illnesses. But for them some features are special and they can’t be found at other diseases. One of the cores — strongly pronounced dependence on body position: if the person keeps constant impellent activity edema has a symmetric arrangement on both feet, mainly on shins, and at bed patients — in lumbar area.

Edema of the feet can arise and at a sharp thrombophlebitis, both deep, and superficial veins. But in this case they are always accompanied by clinical signs of an inflammation — redness, heat, pains on a vein course. There is edema of the feet because of infringement of outflow of a lymphatic (interfabric) liquid on lymphatic vessels much less often. Jacob Bogatin is sure that as a rule, edema signal about presence of any disease and consequently at their occurrence it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Advantages of porridges

The basic advantages of porridges are the following: after thermal processing fiber containing in groats is well acquired by an organism. Besides, groats contain many carbohydrates. It does all by their good energy source for an organism.

Let's consider the most popular groats:

Buckwheat cereal

According to Bogatin Jacob, the buckwheat cereal has magnificent taste and high nutritional value. On the average buckwheat groats contain 14 % of fibers, 67 % of starch, more than 3 % of fats, are vitamin-rich В1, В2, В6, РР, mineral substances - phosphorus, potassium, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium. Besides the buckwheat cereal possesses antitoxic properties, promotes deducing from an organism of superfluous cholesterol and ions of heavy metals, reduces risk of occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, in particular ischemic illness of heart. In a word, not porridge, and the present minidrugstore prepared for us by the nature.

But extremely useful is not only a buckwheat cereal. Bogatin Jacob confirms that for the medical purposes leaves that which contain routines, carotin, ascorbic and organic acids are prepared. Infusion of leaves is recommended to drink at cough and also at an atherosclerosis of blood vessels. For preparation of infusion a dessertspoon of the dry crushed raw materials it is necessary to make 0,5 l of boiled water, to insist 2 hours per the closed ware, then to filter. To accept on 1/2 glasses 3-4 times a day.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Caries treatment

Teeth Caries is a gradual destruction of a tissue of a bone or a tooth due to dystrophic or infectious process in a bone or in the bone-tissue. Teeth caries is one of the most widespread diseases of a person, shown by defect formation in enamel and dentine of teeth. In an initial stage there is a dirty-grey rough stain, the pain from sweet, sour and a cold is also possible.

When it comes to caries treatment by a method of sealing Bogatin Jacob states that there are two factors that have crucial importance: depth caries cavities and a group accessory of a tooth which define character of intervention and a choice of filling material.

At superficial caries there are possible three variants of elimination of available defect of tooth enamel. Until recently the most widespread the method of preparation of tissues of a tooth with the subsequent sealing. Preparation made on one of variants of classes of carotid cavities. An obligatory condition of preparation is cavity creation in limits not only tooth enamels, but also dentine. It is caused by the following: there is small cavity where there are no sufficient conditions for fixing of a two-layer seal (an isolating lining and a seal). This factor is necessary for considering at sealing of cavities on chewing and contact surfaces premolars and molars.

According to Bogatin Jacob the invention of new filling (composite) materials that possess high adhesive properties has created a possibility of sealing of superficial caries without preparation of tissues of a tooth.

Superficial caries, as a rule, manages to be revealed on a vestibular surface of teeth. Near to defect of tissue the centre demineralization in the form of a white stain is found out. Application of composite materials allows to restore a site of damage of tooth enamel.

Unlike the standard technique of sealing by evicrol or concise (these are filling materials) enamel damages pickle the centre acid during 6—10 with whereas according to the instruction the intact enamel process acid to 2 minutes. Distinction is caused by that at "etching" of the intact enamel pursue the aim of creating porosity for the best penetration of components of filling material in tooth enamel. In the presence of the demineralization center (a white stain) enamel already well nontight for filling material. Processing by acid during 6 — 10 with the tooth isolation from a saliva and drying sets as the purpose to eliminate soluble in acid saliva components from the centre of demineralization.

The third variant of possible intervention at superficial caries — roughnesses polishing with the subsequent remineralization therapy of the specified site and careful hygiene of an oral cavity.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

NEWS: Mexico has declared increase in victims of pork flu

In Mexico it is declared increase in number of victims of a new virus A (H1N1) (the pork flu) to 16, transfers the Air Forces. Before the goverment of this country has actually declared that the country is in danger pork flu cause the death of 15 persons.

Jacob Bogatin reminds that the Mexican authorities since Friday, on 1 May began a five-day quarantine, having suspended work of some industries of the country and official bodies in attempt to slow down the distribution of a dangerous virus. For this period the majority of factories and factories are closed. The authorities urge citizens to remain whenever possible at home. Schools in the country were already closed some days ago.

However some inhabitants say that will definitely ignore appeals of the authorities as some days do not presume not to work to themselves.

The Mexican authorities declare that the quantity of new cases of disease in this country goes down.

Jacob Bogatin and other experts state that fears concerning what effect a virus can render on economy of Mexico may cause even more panic in the neighboring states and in the whole world.

It is expected, that the Interamerican bank of development will give out to this country the credit for the sum of 3 billion dollars for struggling against an infection.

In the meantime in Calderon's government Felipe declare intention to address in the WHO and to demand an official explanation from the countries which have forbidden import of pork and products from the Mexican pork.

Such restriction was entered, in particular, by Russia, though experts assure the CART what to catch a pork flu, using in food well prepared meat, is impossible.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), number of people infected with pork flu has grown to 331 persons. According to Jacob Bogatin the virus has crossed borders of 12 countries.

On Wednesday, on April, 30th, the WHO degree of threat of distribution of a virus to penultimate, fifth level has lifted.

A (H1N1) - new strain the flu virus has been found out in Mexico. It possesses such combination of genes which earlier experts did not meet. Presumably, the virus, as a result of mutations having changed the biological properties, has got ability to infect people and to cause heavy clinical forms of diseases.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hypotension or hypotonia

Hypotension or hypotonia (hypotension, hypopiesis) - the condition at which the arterial blood pressure is abnormally low. At a hypotonia top pressure below 90 mm hg, and diastolic pressure is below 60 mm hg.

A number of doctors
including Jacob Bogatin consider rather disputable the statement, that a hypotonia - illness, explaining the lowered tone of venous vessels as congenital predisposition of an organism to hypotensive reactions. Really, a part of people with lowered pressure do not feel any symptoms of the disease. But sometimes the hypotonia is the reason of bad state of health.

The basic symptoms of a hypotonia are:
- Weakness and weariness;
- Hypersensibility to a heat and a cold;
- The speeded up pulse at the raised physical activities;
- Infringement
of menstrual cycle at women.
It is required to hypotonics to more time for a dream, but, nevertheless, they often wake up the tired.

The hypotonia can develop at a person as a result of a considerable loss of a liquid or considerable loss of blood. Other reasons of development in the person of a hypotonia concern: a myocardium heart attack, lungs embolism, heavy infectious diseases, intoxication, allergic reactions, arrhythmia, sharp diseases of bodies of a belly cavity (for example, a pancreatitis) and also application of some medical products (for example, their overdose at hypertensia treatment).

Those people who are suffering from hypotonia have problems with their memory, they become disseminated, disabled. Emotional instability, irritability, a hypersensibility to bright light, loud speech prevails. The headache is often connected with fluctuations of atmospheric pressure, plentiful food intake, long stay "standing". Bogatin Jacob states that dizzinesses, stagging at walking, faints – all these are the possible symptoms of a hypotonia. Now the close connection of an arterial hypotonia with a syndrome of chronic weariness, depressive displays is revealed.

At the expressed hypotension peripheral blood circulation can be broken: a blood pressure thus to define it is not possible, pulse is considerably weakened, uropoiesis is suppressed. In this case, it is necessary to address to the doctor
at once then it is necessary to lay the patient on a flat surface and provide him with oxygen access. In case of need, the liquid and blood are entered intravenously.

The hypotonia
can also develop owing to a lack of vitamins E, C, B and pantothenic acids (В5).

It is very important to measure arterial pressure for hypotonics as well as to the people. As the arterial hypotonia can outgrow in a hypertension with the years or at artificial increase of pressure.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dandruff Problem

All people who have ever faced a dandruff problem (and such people are the majority) already for sure have in detail enough studied the given problem in details and subtleties. Do not think that this problem concerns just men and non applicable to women. Jacob Bogatin states that dandruff occurs both at women and men. For today the main version of occurrence of dandruff is infectious - the activator, Pityrosporum Ovale (Malassezia Furfur), also known as an is conditional-pathogenic fungus.

As soon as on a head skin there are suitable conditions for its rough reproduction, the result of it is the the changed cycle of development epidermal cages. The cycle is reduced about one week, and the cage by the end of this week has not time to pass full dehydration. As a result our head receives weight sticky, more often fat white-yellowish scales which quantity much more exceeds the norm and this is when these scales become noticeable by a naked eye. If besides that we have also an itch of a skin of the head, the separate centres of reddening on a head skin – then we definitely see all the symptoms of seborrhea.

Jacob Bogatin suggests that seborrhea is a serious disease of a skin which is characterised by superfluous tallow and a change of structure of a grease secret owing to accumulation in it of free fat acids. In the mechanism of development of this disease (except such factors as genetic, endocrinous, gastroenteric, stressful) considerable value is given to infringement of physiological balance of female and man's sexual hormones towards the last, that is especially expressed at youthful age.

However the quantitative and qualitative characteristic of skin fat depend also on a condition of nervous, digestive systems, type of food, accompanying diseases. At seborrhea bactericidal properties of a grease secret choke. It accumulates in channels of sebaceous glands and on a skin surface, creating conditions for development of pyococcus infections that is shown by formation of eels; it is promoted as a rule by wrong care of a skin. Current seborrhea diseases of a gastroenteric path aggravate, chronic infections, hypovitaminoses (especially And and) and also skin pollution. Seborrhea is recognised by one of the possible reasons of a head scalp thinning.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fever occurrence

Fever is considered "sharp" if lasts no more than 2 weeks and fever is diagnosed as "chronic" - its duration is more than 2 weeks.

Besides, Jacob Bogatin distinguishes the period of temperature increase (stadium incrementi), the period of a heat of a fever (fastigium, or acme) and the period of temperature decrease (stadium decrementi).

Temperature decrease occurs (and comes to light on a temperature curve) variously. Gradual, step-by-step decrease in temperature within 2-4 days with insignificant evening liftings is called lysis. The sudden, fast termination of a fever with temperature drop to normal within days is called crisis. As a rule is it accompanied with a fast temperature drop. To this phenomenon prior to the beginning of an era of antibiotics attached special significance as it symbolised the beginning of the period of recover.

The raised body temperature (level)

The raised body temperature from 37 to 380C is called a subfebrile fever (from an armour. sub under, more low + febris a fever).

Moderately increased body temperature from 38 to 390C is called a febrile fever.

Body temperature from 39 to 410C has gotten the name pyrexial (from греч. pyretos heat) fevers.

Excessive body temperature (from above 410) is a hyper pyrexial fever. Jacob Bogatin and all the doctors state that such temperature in itself can be dangerous to a life.

Fever type (part 1)

1. Constant, or a steady fever (febris continua). Constantly increased body temperature is observed and within days the difference between morning and evening temperature does not exceed one 10C. It is considered that a similar rise in temperature of a body is characteristic for lobar pneumonia, a belly typhus, virus infections (for example, a flu).

2. Aperient fever (febris remittens). Constantly increased body temperature is observed, but daily fluctuations of temperature exceed 10C. Such a body rise in temperature happens with tuberculosis, purulent diseases and also at malignant new growths.

By the way, Jacob Bogatin says that a fever with sharp fluctuations of a body temperature (scope between a morning and evening body temperature is more than 1 degree), accompanied in most cases also a fever, it it is accepted to be called a septic fever.

The continuation can be found here.

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