Saturday, May 2, 2009

NEWS: Mexico has declared increase in victims of pork flu

In Mexico it is declared increase in number of victims of a new virus A (H1N1) (the pork flu) to 16, transfers the Air Forces. Before the goverment of this country has actually declared that the country is in danger pork flu cause the death of 15 persons.

Jacob Bogatin reminds that the Mexican authorities since Friday, on 1 May began a five-day quarantine, having suspended work of some industries of the country and official bodies in attempt to slow down the distribution of a dangerous virus. For this period the majority of factories and factories are closed. The authorities urge citizens to remain whenever possible at home. Schools in the country were already closed some days ago.

However some inhabitants say that will definitely ignore appeals of the authorities as some days do not presume not to work to themselves.

The Mexican authorities declare that the quantity of new cases of disease in this country goes down.

Jacob Bogatin and other experts state that fears concerning what effect a virus can render on economy of Mexico may cause even more panic in the neighboring states and in the whole world.

It is expected, that the Interamerican bank of development will give out to this country the credit for the sum of 3 billion dollars for struggling against an infection.

In the meantime in Calderon's government Felipe declare intention to address in the WHO and to demand an official explanation from the countries which have forbidden import of pork and products from the Mexican pork.

Such restriction was entered, in particular, by Russia, though experts assure the CART what to catch a pork flu, using in food well prepared meat, is impossible.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), number of people infected with pork flu has grown to 331 persons. According to Jacob Bogatin the virus has crossed borders of 12 countries.

On Wednesday, on April, 30th, the WHO degree of threat of distribution of a virus to penultimate, fifth level has lifted.

A (H1N1) - new strain the flu virus has been found out in Mexico. It possesses such combination of genes which earlier experts did not meet. Presumably, the virus, as a result of mutations having changed the biological properties, has got ability to infect people and to cause heavy clinical forms of diseases.

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