Saturday, August 21, 2010
Jacob Bogatin: The Power of the Dead Sea
Healing Power of Dead Sea water has been known since ancient times. Its unusual name of this sea was in ancient times because its waters with a 30 per cent concentration of salts and minerals, almost no living organisms.
According to Jacob Bogatin the unique natural Dead Sea salt is a clean mixture of 26 minerals and trace elements. Sea Salt Dead Sea has a unique composition - if the normal sea water 90% sodium chloride (salt), here the content does not exceed 15-20%.
The main part of Dead Sea salts are:
Chlorine - One of the main regulators of osmotic pressure in the cell, supporting the necessary moisture balance
Magnesium - increases the viability of cells and is of great importance as anti-stress mineral, possesses anti-allergic effects. The lack of magnesium accelerates aging.
Sodium - supplies energy and, together with chlorine regulates the level of moisture in the cells.
Calcium - strengthens connective tissue, plays an important role in the processes of skin metabolism, wound healing and prevent infection.
Potassium - improves the penetration of nutrients into the cell through the cell membrane, regulates the level of moisture in the cells.
Brome - has anti-stress and antiseptic properties.
Jacob Bogatin confirms that the unique properties of Dead Sea salts have been used successfully in treating a wide range of diseases, as sea salt is used as a preventative tonic and cosmetics.
Let us dwell on some methods for therapeutic Dead Sea salts in the home.
Cosmetic and relaxing bath
Baths with sea salt have a recycling and a stimulating effect on the skin, nourish the skin micro and macro, improves skin elasticity. The use of salts promotes removal of fatigue, is used as a sedative with neurosis, insomnia, stress, to improve body tone, raising the emotional background, performance, mood.
For relaxation and beauty treatments to dissolve in very hot water 250-300 g of salt, then add warm water bath and bring the water temperature to 37-38 ° C. Take a salt bath for 20-25 minutes. After the procedure to take a warm shower without soap and relax.
For relaxation especially useful to use salt baths with natural essential oils. According to Jacob Bogatin effect of natural aromatic oils enhances healing properties of Dead Sea salt.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Refer only to natural balms
It is well-known that to cure pain is practically impossible as pain is just the consequence of some kind of illness and pain is not the reason to cure. But we can not leave everyday experiencing the constant pains as need to have special painkillers, special medications for chronic pain treatment. For sure, there best advice and the only wise advice is to refer to your general practitioner to find out the reason of your pains. And when the reason is finally defined you need to start treating your illness. To ease pain or to eradicate it to the full you will need special medications that once again need to be prescribed by your doctor. At the same time do not forget that any medications beside easing your pain might present side-effects as well and if you want to be free from such negative consequences you'd better refer to natural means of combating pains, like natural balsams that can easily relieve arthritis pains or relieve foot and knee pains. Usually such balms can even helpyour body to care about wounds and help your body to heal them properly and fast. For sure, though such balms are made of
natural compounds you should be very careful about ordering them online as nowadays there are a lot of fake medications and supplements.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Jacob Bogatin: Methods of treatment and prevention of disease Mumps
Lymph nodes, which sometimes become inflamed after a sore throat, are lower than the parotid gland and the tumor does not cross the jaw. A child stricken with the mumps, particularly noticeable swelling under the ears. The older child may complain of pain around the ear or throat, especially when swallowing and chewing of the day before the tumor. Perhaps the general malaise. Jacob Bogatin says that initially the temperature is usually low, but it may increase by 2 nd or 3 rd day. Most of the children first swells one side of the neck, but after 1-2 days and swelling appears on the other side. Sometimes the second party swells only a week, and sometimes not at all swollen.
In the parotid, there are other salivary glands. Mumps is sometimes extended to them (submandibular and sublingual glands). In mild form of mumps is swelling after 3-4 days, but it usually lasts 7-10 days. The boys at puberty infection can affect one of the testes. But even if both testicles are inflamed, it is rarely ends with infertility. Mumps - contagious disease, which, according to several doctors, including myself, can get sick and the second time.
Therefore, as Jacob Bogatin suggests avoid contact with the sick with mumps. The fact that during the mumps swollen both sides of the face, does not matter, anyway it can be caught a second time. Be sure to call your doctor if you suspect mumps. It is important to accurately establish the diagnosis. Normal lymphatitis requires a completely different treatment. Usually the child is kept in bed until the swelling subsides. Some people with mumps can not eat acidic or spicy foods (such as lemon juice or pickles), because it irritates the inflamed gland. But others are still happy to have such products. Mumps is manifested through 11-23 days after infection.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Yakov Bogatin: Cucumbers diseases
Yakov Bogatin says that in sharp cooling at night multifaceted light rough spots might appear on the leaves of cucumbers, mostly closer to the edge of the sheet. Such spots are growing quickly. Finally, on the underside of the lead raid gray-olive color appears and consequently the lead dies. This is called a Downy mildew. This is the moment when farmers should stop watering and fertilizing, the moment when it is necessary to dry a little greenhouse ventilation.
Olive leaf spot is a fungal infection when yellow-brown spots appear on the leaves and the fruits are formed dark watery spots; fruits become distorted. The disease usually appears in late summer. Toeplitz aired and the affected parts of the plants destroyed. In the second half of summer, usually in late July there is a gray mold - the stems and petioles becoming slippery. To combat the disease in the greenhouse there should always be a glass filled with pink creamy mass - a mixture of chalk, water and potassium permanganate. Yakov Bogatin says that it is necessary to decay wipe a tuft of glass or cut rough leaves of cucumber, cut a smear "cream". If you do this in the morning and evening the sore spot will dry.
While weather is warm usually all of these diseases are limited. But here comes the cold wave. After a few cold days some leaves on a number of plants begin to wilt. In the evening when the sun goes down everything is restored. In the future it is repeated but with each passing day the plants wither stronger and stronger. There comes a day when the evening they had not come to their senses and gradually all the leaves wither. Yakov Bogatin claims that this is too late and the plant can not be saved.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Y. Bogatin: Meditation affects brain activity!
As it is a little necessary to include self-control mechanisms in a brain through genes! As have shown experiments with use МРТ, conducted in
Meditation not only removes stress, weariness and anxiety, but also rejuvenates our brain. So in the research conducted last year at University Emori, the scientists have been investigated 13 persons practising a zen-meditation which is used by Buddhists of Japan,
If meditation can so strongly influence brain morphology, means here not to do without updatings in an expression of genes. In work of researchers from Vseindijsky institute of medical sciences,
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Yakov Bogatin: Coffee dependence
Coffee is the strongest natural source of caffeine and the most widespread originator of dependence. Fine aroma and invigorating properties of coffee any more involve even more than hundreds of millions of a strong army of admirers, not without some pride calling coffee men. Yakov Bogatin considers that this pride originates in those days when because of the high price coffee was only accessible to the rich and it was an elite drink. Actually coffee dependence, as well as any other does not bring good and there is absolutely nothing to be proud here. Receiving the daily portion of pleasure from the coffee use you pay off with problems with health.
Yakov Bogatin is sure that coffee dependence comes as a result of the long daily use of coffee and the quantity of cups does not play a role as sometimes even one cup a day is enough. Signs of a coffee dependence:
– Not having received a habitual morning cup of coffee, the person feels irritated, blocked, unable to concentrate.
– The regular stool depends on the coffee use.
– If not to drink coffee over 24 hours, there is a strong pulsing headache which can be accompanied by a nausea and vomiting. The pain caffeine reception in any form acts in film.
If you have these signs it means that you are already a coffee-addict person. But anyway is it necessary to get rid of coffee dependence? Certainly, everyone decides for himself, but it is necessary to know, what consequences this habit may cause.
According to Yakov Bogatin coffee can aggravate various pathological conditions, therefore it is not recommended to be used at: hypertensions, heart ischemic illness or its frequent cases in a sort of arrhythmia, the increased level of cholesterol in blood, propensity to migraines, sleeplessness, increased uneasiness, a tremor, at any gastroenteric diseases, illnesses of uric system, prostate gland, fibrous mastopathy. Coffee can increase risk of an abortion during pregnancy.