Saturday, June 20, 2009

Advantages of porridges

The basic advantages of porridges are the following: after thermal processing fiber containing in groats is well acquired by an organism. Besides, groats contain many carbohydrates. It does all by their good energy source for an organism.

Let's consider the most popular groats:

Buckwheat cereal

According to Bogatin Jacob, the buckwheat cereal has magnificent taste and high nutritional value. On the average buckwheat groats contain 14 % of fibers, 67 % of starch, more than 3 % of fats, are vitamin-rich В1, В2, В6, РР, mineral substances - phosphorus, potassium, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium. Besides the buckwheat cereal possesses antitoxic properties, promotes deducing from an organism of superfluous cholesterol and ions of heavy metals, reduces risk of occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, in particular ischemic illness of heart. In a word, not porridge, and the present minidrugstore prepared for us by the nature.

But extremely useful is not only a buckwheat cereal. Bogatin Jacob confirms that for the medical purposes leaves that which contain routines, carotin, ascorbic and organic acids are prepared. Infusion of leaves is recommended to drink at cough and also at an atherosclerosis of blood vessels. For preparation of infusion a dessertspoon of the dry crushed raw materials it is necessary to make 0,5 l of boiled water, to insist 2 hours per the closed ware, then to filter. To accept on 1/2 glasses 3-4 times a day.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Caries treatment

Teeth Caries is a gradual destruction of a tissue of a bone or a tooth due to dystrophic or infectious process in a bone or in the bone-tissue. Teeth caries is one of the most widespread diseases of a person, shown by defect formation in enamel and dentine of teeth. In an initial stage there is a dirty-grey rough stain, the pain from sweet, sour and a cold is also possible.

When it comes to caries treatment by a method of sealing Bogatin Jacob states that there are two factors that have crucial importance: depth caries cavities and a group accessory of a tooth which define character of intervention and a choice of filling material.

At superficial caries there are possible three variants of elimination of available defect of tooth enamel. Until recently the most widespread the method of preparation of tissues of a tooth with the subsequent sealing. Preparation made on one of variants of classes of carotid cavities. An obligatory condition of preparation is cavity creation in limits not only tooth enamels, but also dentine. It is caused by the following: there is small cavity where there are no sufficient conditions for fixing of a two-layer seal (an isolating lining and a seal). This factor is necessary for considering at sealing of cavities on chewing and contact surfaces premolars and molars.

According to Bogatin Jacob the invention of new filling (composite) materials that possess high adhesive properties has created a possibility of sealing of superficial caries without preparation of tissues of a tooth.

Superficial caries, as a rule, manages to be revealed on a vestibular surface of teeth. Near to defect of tissue the centre demineralization in the form of a white stain is found out. Application of composite materials allows to restore a site of damage of tooth enamel.

Unlike the standard technique of sealing by evicrol or concise (these are filling materials) enamel damages pickle the centre acid during 6—10 with whereas according to the instruction the intact enamel process acid to 2 minutes. Distinction is caused by that at "etching" of the intact enamel pursue the aim of creating porosity for the best penetration of components of filling material in tooth enamel. In the presence of the demineralization center (a white stain) enamel already well nontight for filling material. Processing by acid during 6 — 10 with the tooth isolation from a saliva and drying sets as the purpose to eliminate soluble in acid saliva components from the centre of demineralization.

The third variant of possible intervention at superficial caries — roughnesses polishing with the subsequent remineralization therapy of the specified site and careful hygiene of an oral cavity.

Developed by software reviews, supported by Downloadable software as well as by cheap software for download. Special thanks to Yakov Bogatin and Yakov Bogatin